Monday, April 13, 2009


I had a bunch of family over today when my aunt got a call from my uncle that Harry Kalas had been found passed out in the booth in Washington. We turned on Comcast Sportsnet for updates and shortly saw the unthinkable headline " HARRY KALAS PASSES AWAY". My family and I sat in stunned silence while we heard all of the details. I watched the ring ceremony with my son on Wednesday and said to my wife, " I'm going to cry like a baby when he dies". It was a matter of fact statement, because the older Harry got, you knew it was inevitable. I never thought it would happen this soon.

When someone dies, you try to put a positive spin on it and this is no different. I'm glad that he saw his beloved Phillies win the World Series last year, got to make the call and throw out the first pitch at the ring ceremony. He died in the booth, no doubt prepping himself to call the game that he loved since he was a 10 year old with a dream. His voice got me through tough years with the Phillies and was great background noise even if you weren't watching the game. I remember watching a Phillies/Marlins game circa 1993 while I was doing my homework and hearing Harry's distinct " OUTTA HERE" call. It mad me sad today seeing the Phillies hit home runs and not hearing his great voice making the call. Harry may be gone from this Earth but the countless memories that he both called and provided will never be "outta here". I hope he's up havign a drink with his buddy Whitey right now and laughing every time the Phillies hit another homerun. OUTTA HERE indeed Harry. Rest in peace.

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