Tuesday, April 8, 2008

And When the Swedish Bikini Team Fell From the Sky...

Oh yes. It most definitely gets better. Roy Williams, whom I cannot stand, is the current coach of the University of North Carolina's Mens' Basketball Team. He also coached in Kansas for fourteen years, leading that program to several final fours, but never the National Championship.

He deserted his 2004 Final Four team in Kansas to go coach UNC to the 2005 title.

Enough background. Immediately following my entry explaining (in a condensed format) the douchebaggery that is Roy Williams, I get treated to the picture attached to this post. Roy Williams. With a Kansas sticker on his shirt. 48 hours after Kansas DEMOLISHED his team, embarrassing them by leading by as many as 26 and generally dong-slapping them up and down the court.

Of course, the UNC players were no longer in Detroit, having flown back to school in shame after their loss in the semi-finals. But that doesn't stop Ol' Roy!

Have a little class. You are being paid lavishly to be the face of North Carolina basketball. You should be with YOUR TEAM, which happens to be the place that currently signs your checks. If you must be at the game, wear neutral colors, and don't make a show of rooting for any one team over another.

You see, Ol' Roy needs to be loved. He needs to be loved by two fanbases at once. He wants to be connected to Kansas' current success, because Kansas enjoyed no such success when he was coach. He needs to handled carefully. In addition to being a wealthy egomaniac, he's also very sensitive. Sure he's getting paid boatloads of money. Sure his school basically recruits itself. Sure he's not a very good, um "coach." But while he's building his reputation by making promises of a higher education to illiterate young men which he has no intention of keeping (either the promises or the young men), he needs you to take it easy on him. Roy demands the utmost loyalty from his players, university, and fans.

But he doesn't require it of himself.

And that, my friends, is the definition of a piece of shite.

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