Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm Suddenly OK with Instant Replay in Baseball

This has got to change. This umpiring crew didn't impress anyone all series, particularly Larry Andersen, who noted "[the umpire] hasn't seen anything all night, so he didn't see this," during Wednesday's game.

Check out these still images from So yeah, Reyes was out at the plate in the 12th inning of a divisional game, and the Mets were unjustly awarded a victory they didn't earn. This is a fact. It is not subject to argument. Whether or not the Phillies would go on to win, who knows?

Now, I take issue with the "it's only April" argument. Every single game played during the regular season counts exactly the same in the standings, whether it's in Japan, April, August, or September. It could turn out that this game was the deciding game of whether or not the Phils make the playoffs this year--And it was lost on a blown call. Now how do you feel?

Further, why don't we have instant replay in baseball? It's not like I'm asking for a clock here. (God forbid). It makes me want to write a letter:

Dear MLB;

Mankind is by nature an inventive creature. Not satisfied with the status quo (Ed. Note- This means "the way things are," Mr. Selig), mankind often seeks to improve things. These improvements are then adopted into society for the betterment of all.

For instance, instead of a cave heated with a brush fire started with chunks of flint and ore, I live in a house warmed by central heating with an electric ignition system. Instead of hunting and gathering, we developed agriculture, which more reliably feeds a greater number of people on a much smaller amount of land. I think we can agree that these are all improvements.

Baseball itself has seen improvements. From changing materials in the uniforms, to lowering the mound, to the introduction of the designated hitter, baseball has shown itself to be open to change, when change is necessary.

Such a situation is currently necessary. Your umpires and other officials are simply not very good at calling people out or safe at either first base or home plate. This is partly due to their positioning during these plays, partly due to the speed of today's game, and partly due to incompetence.

Please allow calls at first base and home plate to be reviewed via an instant replay system. I know that this will be unpopular; however, it will have the moral benefit of being the right thing to do, and assure that games have a proper outcome reached within the rules of the game. I think we can all agree that this is a noble goal.

P.S. - Congratulations to Mr. Selig on his recent contract extension. I didn't give a crap about whether Sosa and McGuire were on 'roids either.

Truly Yours,
LoveTron 4000
There. I feel much better.

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